It's Eco-Friendly

Is felt environmentally friendly, sustainable, recyclable? YES

Felt Flanerie is committed to working with the highest quality of 100% wool felt suppliers. Our approach to sustainability considers all of the part and pieces of supply chain, using 100% wool felt, sourced with responsible suppliers. whose felt is  LEED® approved with an MR Credit of 6.0 which means it’s a rapidly, renewable, resource, since sheep continually grow their coats. The total greenhouse gas emissions from a wool sheep ranges from 8.5 +/- 0.6 to 8.7 +/- 0.6 kg CO2-e/kg over the course of a 10-12 sheep year lifespan. Meaning it also gains this credit as the animal that produces it doesn’t have to be killed to produce more of the wool and it has a substantially longer shelf life than other textiles. It’s also 100% biodegradable since it’s a naturally produced textile. Felt Flanerie continually evaluates business practices to determine how to best reduce packaging and with the least amount of traveling to get to your products to you safely.

If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to email us at